Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Benoît Perthame is editor in various journals (CALCOLO, CPDE, SIAM J. Math. Analysis, DCDS(B)).

Dirk Drasdo is in the editorial board of TheScientificWorldJOURNAL and ISRN Biophysics. He is member of the VPH FET advisory board for the EU and an expert team for Mathematics for health care.

Organisation of a weekly informal, interactive seminar by Marie Doumic-Jauffret, Dirk Drasdo and Irène Vignon-Clémentel (REO project-team).

Benoît Perthame represents INRIA at the expert group of the INSERM Institute “Molecular and structural bases of the living” (ITMO Bases moléculaires et structurales du vivant, head Thierry Meinnel).

Jean Clairambault represents INRIA at the expert group of the INSERM Cancer Institute (ITMO Cancer, head Fabien Calvo).

Supervision of Annabelle Ballesta's PhD thesis (June 2007-June 2011) by Jean Clairambault and Francis Lévi.

Supervision of François Bertaux's PhD thesis (since September 2011) by Dirk Drasdo and Gregory Batt.

Supervision of François Bertaux's M2 internship (until August 2011) by Dirk Drasdo and Gregory Batt.

Supervision of Anne-Céline Boulanger's PhD thesis by Marie-Odile Bristeau and Jacques Sainte-Marie.

Supervision of Youssef Bourfia's PhD thesis (since September 2011) by Jean Clairambault, Mostafa Adimy and Hassan Hbid (UCAD, Marrakech).

Supervision of Chadha Chettaoui's PhD thesis (since September 2008) by Dirk Drasdo and Juhui Wang (INRA).

Supervision of Luna Dimitrio's PhD thesis (since March 2010) by Jean Clairambault and Roberto Natalini (University Sapienza, Rome).

Supervision of Adrian Friebels PhD thesis (since June 2011) by Dirk Drasdo and Stefan Hoehme.

Supervision of Pierre Gabriel's PhD thesis (until June 2011) by Marie Doumic-Jauffret and Benoît Perthame.

Supervision of Hadjer Wafaâ Haffaf's PhD thesis (from September 2011) by Marie Doumic-Jauffret.

Supervision of Nick Jagiella's PhD thesis (since July 2007) by Dirk Drasdo, Benoît Perthame, and Irène Vignon-Clémentel (REO project-team).

Supervision of Emanuele Leoncini's M2 internship by Dirk Drasdo.

Supervision of Johannes Neitsch's PhD thesis (since June 2011) by Dirk Drasdo and Stefan Hoöhme.

Supervision of William Weens's PhD thesis (since September 2008) by Dirk Drasdo.